Health and Wellbeing

At Danson, we set our reputation on the strength of our pastoral care. Maintaining the health and wellbeing of our pupils is extremely important to us. We are all aware that positive mental health is the key to believing and achieving in being the best we possibly can be. We are committed to ensuring that an ethos of positive mental health is at the heart of everything we do.

Danson has a caring ethos and environment and we understand the importance of wellbeing for both our staff and children. We understand wellbeing culture as a place where people can feel safe, happy and can thrive. We clearly define our culture and vision, making it clear what behaviours, values and beliefs underpin it.

We foster a culture of teamwork and trust. Our staff work with parents and carers and welcome active support and involvement. Good work habits, co-operation and tolerance create the happy, family atmosphere for which the school is known.

Staff working with each other, our children and the wider school community, to feel valued, to feel able to be open about their health and wellbeing and know how to access help and support if they need it.

Our values, behaviours and expectations are regularly referred to throughout the school day and are an important part of our behaviour policy which focuses on positive reinforcement and restorative justice.

Through the school councils, questionnaires and pupil voice we ensure that the children feel safe and happy and know who to talk to if they need to. 

We have a range of ways of rewarding and praising children including:

  • Verbally
  • Marking & feedback
  • Discussions with parents/carers
  • House Points
  • Pupil of the week
  • Head Teacher Certificates
  • Praise postcards

Each year we support the Mental Health and Wellbeing week through assemblies and PSHE lessons around the theme which this year is 'My Voice Matters'.

Throughout the school we took some time to think about mental health means and we discussed and participated in some activities which can support our mental health, we also thought about the importance of labelling and discussing our emotions with a trusted friend or adult. In EYFS and KS1, we wrote some positive affirmations to celebrate all of the things that are amazing about us! In KS2 we  learnt about the 5 ways to wellbeing; connect, be active,  take notice, learn new things and give. We wrote things that we do day to day that represent these 5 ways of wellbeing. 

From our consultation with parents we have also run workshops to support parents in Building Resilience and Understanding Anxiety.

In Danson we are proud to have four Mental Health First Aiders and a Senior Mental Health Lead.  Any information about mental health and wellbeing is shared with parents via email circulars and our school newsletters.

Danson Parent Workshop Coffee Mornings

Understanding Behaviour


Sleep Support

Sleep Support Parent Feedback


Building Resilience and Understanding Anxiety

Building Resilience and Understanding Anxiety Parent Feedback


Online Safety-How to keep your child safe online at home


Managing Screen Time

Managing Screen Time Parent Feedback

Helpful Documents and Websites

Henry-Healthy start for a brighter future.

Click here for Connected Bexley is an online information, advice and guidance hub which links people in Bexley quickly and easily to the local support that you need.

Click here for The new Bexley Local Offer which is an online guide and service that provides information on services available to children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families/carers.